Last month some friends, and I took a trip to NYC. I had visited the city a handful of times before but my husband had never been. When planning the trip, I made sure to pick places that I knew he would like but also some places I hadn’t been to yet. It ended up being an awesome trip with some great food and beautiful views.

I thought I would show you guys some of the places we went and some of my favorite places in the city.. It amazes me how, no matter how many times you visit NYC, there is always something new to discover. Each individual trip takes on a life of its own and provides a completely unique experience.



Rockefeller Center

[left]NYC top of the rock[/left]

[right]top of the rock NYC[/right]

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We visited both Top Of The Rock at Rockefeller Center and The Empire State Building. I hadn’t actually seen the views from either before and I have to say, even though the Empire State Building is a more popular tourist destination, I liked the view from Top Of The Rock better. There was more room to move around and some fantastic photo opps. We got our picture at 30 Rockefeller — in honor of 30 Rock. There are tons of restaurants underneath the building by the subway and they all looked amazing! In the Winter time, they have an ice skating rink and a giant Christmas tree.




[left]Chelsea Cafeteria[/left]


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We started the day at a restaurant for brunch. It is open 24 hours a day and they serve the most amazing silver dollar pancakes! They tasted as good as they look, trust me.

[left]chelsea market[/left]

[right]Chelsea Highline[/right]

Next, we checked out Chelsea Market which is basically an indoor farmers market full of awesome shops and vendors. There was a huge Anthropologie and a really cool bookstore. We saw a couple of bakeries and a lady selling all kinds of spices. There was a little stand with the most amazing tiny doughnuts! They also had a grocery store underneath but we didn’t get a chance to check it out. It was a really fun spot to just hang out and grab some food.

Not too far away from the market is something called the Chelsea High Line. It used to be a railway for the meat packing district back in the 20s and was later kept as an above ground park. It is a couple miles long and has tons of trees, benches, walkways, and some pretty amazing views. We walked the entirety of it in abut an hour. It would be an amazing place for a picnic or just to escape the concrete.

big gay ice cream

Before we headed back to Times Square, we grabbed some ice cream at Big Gay Ice Cream. They had your basic flavors of ice cream but they also offered some unique toppings like cayenne pepper. I wasn’t brave enough to try any of them so I just stuck with chocolate ice cream dipped in chocolate with sprinkles.



DUMBO Brooklyn

Atrium Brooklyn

DUMBO is a really fun neighborhood just off of the Brooklyn Bridge. There are little shops and restaurants as well as a park. We ate at a restaurant called Atrium before our big hike over the Brooklyn Bridge. The atmosphere was really modern and bohemian and the food was delicious. We had also wanted to try a place called Juliana’s Pizza but the line was insanely long. Maybe next time.

After dinner we checked out a little vintage shop called The Front Shop on Front Street. They had a lot of vintage clothes and eyewear. It was totally worth checking out if you are into that kind of thing. We didn’t get to stay long but they had some pretty cool stuff.



The lighting wasn’t ideal for pictures but the view of the city, lit up at night, was fantastic! It was only a mile or two across the bridge and the walk was really enjoyable. However, I don’t recommend doing it on a weekend night. It was fairly crowded. Also, be sure to stay out of the right lane that is designated for bikers. They get very angry if you get in their way haha. I would love to walk the bridge again in the daytime.



Upper East Side



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The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of my favorite places in the city. I could spend hours among the Van Gogh and Renoir paintings alone. I have yet to visit the Natural History Museum or MOMA but I will get there eventually. MOMA has Starry Night!

The museum admission fees are donation based, so you tell them how much you want to pay and that is how much your ticket costs. I think that is really cool of them, especially for students.



The Met is located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, just outside of Central Park. We took an impromptu hike through a small portion of the park and came across an adorable small castle. We climbed to the top and took some pictures. Unsurprisingly, it had yet another great view. You could really see where the park ended and the city that surrounds it began.

It always amazes me how Central Park can feel so natural yet still man made. You can almost always see buildings in the distance peeking over the treetops. It almost feels like an outdoor museum, made to display this anomaly called nature to the city. This isn’t to say that it isn’t beautiful and a fantastic place to hang out. If I lived in the city, I would go to Central Park all of the time just to read on a bench and watch the people go by.

That was about it for our trip. We ate at a couple other notable restaurants like John’s Pizza and Ellen’s Stardust Diner. John’s is built inside of an old church and Ellen’s is full of singing waiters and waitresses.

Thank you so much for reading and if you are in NYC anytime soon, I hope you check some of these places out.


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