It’s Monday and we all know how stressful those can be. I thought I would share with you guys some of the things that I do to unwind on a weeknight after a long day.



Something that I really look forward to throughout the day is a really good meal I have planned for dinner. Something easy to make and super enjoyable to eat! This recipe is one made by our local grocery store but i’m sure you can find the ingredients at any grocery store. It is a Patty Melt Pizza and I will link the recipe here.

Make sure to have a little dessert to go with it, you know, once you can make room for it after stuffing your face with pizza! I have been loving the Dove dark chocolates with almonds. They are’t super bitter like other dark chocolate and they are better for you than straight milk chocolate (at least thats what they say). However, tonight I did something extra special and made chocolate covered strawberries! I heated Baker’s chocolate and dipped them in, then popped them in the fridge. The whole process takes like 10 minutes.




The hubby and I have been doing something he calls Movie Mondays where we alternate picking a movie from our collection and we watch it together. It is simple but we have had a really good time showing off our personal movie collections to each other.

If that isn’t your thing or you want to watch something on your own, I have really been loving Victoria on Amazon Prime Video and The Good Place on Hulu!



You can be as extravagant with this one as you want. I really enjoy taking the time to create a comfortable atmosphere that I know will really relax me. I LOVE bubble baths but if they aren’t your thing, you could easily translate this to your room or living room, really any space that takes you away from distractions.

I like to run a bubble bath, turn on a relaxation playlist (which I will link here), bring a book, and just unwind. If you want to see what I am currently reading and my Spring reading ideas, check out the blog post here.

Lush has my favorite bath bombs, bubble bars, and soaps but if you can’t get to one or don’t want to spend too much on those things, Target has some great ones as well.



Now that you have (hopefully) relaxed to the point where you are ready to sleep, here are some last little steps I like to do to ensue a great night sleep.

I add a sleep essential oil blend from Amazon (linked here) to my oil diffuser. If you do’t know much about oils but want to, check out my previous post on them here.

I use my favorite after bath/shower products and then get cozy in my burrito of happiness that is my bed haha.


What do you guys do to unwind throughout the week?



  1. This sounds exactly like my kind of relaxing night! I hope one day I can have a big, separate tub for my bubble baths. Haha I love watching movies on week nights & my oils (I’m new to them) have helped me sleep so much!! 🙂

    1. They are the best! I use them for everything now ?

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